
Established in 1981 and nestled in the friendly suburb of Kew, Andale School is an independent primary school. We support children with complex learning needs who benefit from small class sizes and higher student to teacher ratios than are offered in mainstream schools. We adapt and deliver the Victorian Curriculum as well as focus on supporting our students’ development and growth personally, socially and academically.

Through rigorous assessment processes, Andale School teachers identify students’ strengths, set learning goals and implement adjustments to support students through each step in their learning journey.  Through student support group meetings, we develop individual education plans for each student so we can plan learning programs tailored to each student’s needs. Our education programs develop independence, resilience, and confidence as well as personal and interpersonal capabilities. We empower our students with the courage to be themselves and the skills to thrive.

We value each child and strive to ensure that every student feels that they are an important member of our community.

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Be yourself.
Everybody else is already taken.

Oscar Wilde


About Andale

At Andale School we know that each child is a unique learner.  We believe that the development of academic skills is interdependent with the development of social, emotional, and cognitive skills.  We recognise and acknowledge the skills and expertise of our teachers, specialist teachers, allied health professionals and education support staff. Regular communication within our interdisciplinary team supports the cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development of our students. Our dedicated teachers adapt materials, strategies, activities, and expectations to enable our students to reach their potential.

Our school is unique in the Melbourne education landscape. We would be proud and delighted to share it with you.

Meet the team

Education Empowered


Our Vision

To develop unique Australian children by embracing their differences and challenges, and empowering them with education. ​

Our Mission and Values

Andale school offers highly personalized learning experiences for students.  Our small class sizes and high staff to student ratios ensure that every child receives the care and attention they need to thrive at school.

We strive to create a happy, child safe learning environment by enacting our school values:​

  • Authentic
  • Courageous
  • Extraordinary
  • Loyal
  • Safe
  • Supportive

Our School Philosophy

We believe that each child should be viewed as a unique learner, therefore individualised programs that build on each child’s strengths are the key to meaningful learning experiences.​

The school’s approach to education stems from an understanding of the whole child and promotes learning equally across all developmental domains, social and emotional, cognitive, language and physical.​

Child Safety

All children have the right to feel safe and to be safe all of the time.  The welfare of the children at Andale School is our priority.

Message from
the president

Welcome to Andale!  My name is Glen Draper, and I am proud to serve as the Andale School Council President.

In 2017, my son began his educational journey at Andale and completed his final year in 2023. The growth and confidence he developed over the years have prepared him well for his senior school journey. Our family is forever thankful to all the Andale staff (past and present) who supported him along this journey.

My commitment to Andale extends far beyond my role as President. I have been a part of the Andale Council since 2018 and had the honour of serving as President in 2019 and 2020. I am deeply dedicated to offering my voluntary time and guidance to the school, as a small token of appreciation for what Andale has provided for our son and family.

The Andale Council is a dynamic group of volunteers, each bringing a unique blend of experience, independence, and current family membership. We are proud to be engaged and committed to providing good governance and support to the School Principal and Staff of Andale. Our clear focus is to ensure the best possible outcomes for the children and their families, and we strive to create an environment that fosters growth and learning.

I extend a warm invitation to you to reach out to the school on 03 9853 3911 or via email at andaleschool@andale.vic.edu.au . Whether you seek more information, wish to arrange a tour, or are interested in offering your support to our exceptional school, we welcome your involvement. Your engagement and support are vital to our  continued success.

Glen Draper, President


The inspiring results of a motor sensory exercise program, run by the ANSUA Centre, laid the foundations for Andale School. In 1981, ANSUA created a primary school for children so that they could be taught at their own level, without mainstream expectations. With just 12 students, Andale School was formed. In 1987 Andale moved to the family-friendly suburb of Kew. Since 1997, the Uniting Church has generously leased us our beautiful school grounds.

Book a tour

We are a small, nimble urban school nestled in the calm and leafy suburb of Kew. A not-for-profit school, Andale has a strong network of support from local and government bodies which helps us evolve and develop our school community.

Our future is exciting; one which supports the personal growth of our students and the sustainable growth of our community. We look forward to seeing our school community thrive for generations to come.

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Students of Andale

Andale students are the heart of our community – they are courageous, extraordinary, and diverse. Our students range from 5 to 13 years of age and commonly have challenges with:

  • Auditory processing
  • Language comprehension
  • Following written and verbal instructions
  • Short term auditory memory
  • Fine and gross motor skills
  • Attention and concentration
  • Confidence and self-esteem

Everybody is different. Some students come to Andale with a specific learning difficulty; they start their schooling receiving the specialised support they need. Other students come to Andale after experiencing social or learning challenges in a mainstream setting.

At Andale, we tailor each student’s transition to our school so that it is welcoming, supportive, and effective. Our unique education program enables our students to thrive, and to achieve what they may have thought was impossible.

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Teachers of Andale

Our teachers are incredibly passionate and skilled educators who are highly trained in Special Education. Andale teachers understand that learning orientation and styles differ greatly, and they apply diverse teaching methods to engage and enrich learning. Andale teachers know that each student is extraordinary, and that each student can learn. Andale teachers empower our students and help them to see themselves as successful learners.

Anna Urban
Talitha C
Class Teacher - Senior Class
Cathy C
Class Teacher - Middle Class
Ruth C
Class Teacher - Junior Class
Diana G
Specialist Teacher
Martika C
Performing Arts Instructor
Melissa W
Learning Support Officer
Chantal M
Learning Support Officer
Cass P
Learning Support Officer

Allied Health Staff

Andale School provides speech therapy, psychology, and occupational therapy services to students. These services can be accessed individually or in the classroom to support student engagement and learning.

Our school psychologist provides psychological and academic assessments as well as support for students and families.

Our speech pathologist provides programs for individuals, small groups and class groups focusing on:

  • Phonological awareness and literacy skills
  • Receptive language
  • Expressive language
  • Speech skills
  • Communication and social interaction skills
  • Fluency
  • Eating skills
Bianca H
School Psychologist
Kezia C
School Speech Pathologist
Nicola M
School Occupational Therapist